Eksploruj miejsca i atrakcje dzięki ekskluzywnemu dostępowi i praktycznym wycieczkom opartym na istniejących relacjach National Geographic na całym świecie
Ta atrakcja spełnia kryteria Światowej Rady Turystyki Zrównoważonej. Wybierając ją, chronisz miejsca, które kochasz, dbasz o środowisko i wspierasz lokalną społeczność
Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś miłośnikiem historii, kultury, gastronomii, ochrony środowiska, natury, przygody czy fotografii, wycieczki są zaprojektowane tak, aby zaspokoić Twoją ciekawość
National Geographic Partners, LLC. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS i Yellow Border Design to znaki towarowe Towarzystwa National Geographic używane na mocy licencji
Become a visual storyteller under the guidance of your National Geographic-trained photography guide. You'll pick up invaluable insights on capturing the perfect shot, be it in terms of composition, lighting, or narrative.
After introducing the competitive element of the day, your guide will accompany you on the drive through Timanfaya National Park. During the tour, you'll get great views of Timanfaya's lunar landscapes, formed hundreds of years ago when a series of volcanic eruptions covered a quarter of the island in lava. Think rugged lava fields, brooding volcanic cones, and swathes of charcoal-grey ash. Stop at Islote de Hilario viewpoint to see the power of geothermal energy and enjoy the panorama.
Travelling on to the fishing village of El Golfo, you will find a jumble of traditional buildings and bright boats which contrast with the black sand beach and the unusual green lake. It's a perfect location for capturing contrasting colour.
Then, it's time to discover the ancient salt flats of Salinas de Janubio, another landscape saturated with drama and stark appeal. This area is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and an important bird sanctuary – cameras at the ready.
With a specialist photographer at your side, you'll gain new skills and fresh inspiration, plus a collection of striking images. As the day concludes on the terrace at Salinas de Janubio, unwind over a glass of wine or beer and a snack, while your photography guide reviews the day's photos and picks the winning shot.