Eksploruj miejsca i atrakcje dzięki ekskluzywnemu dostępowi i praktycznym wycieczkom opartym na istniejących relacjach National Geographic na całym świecie
Ta atrakcja spełnia kryteria Światowej Rady Turystyki Zrównoważonej. Wybierając ją, chronisz miejsca, które kochasz, dbasz o środowisko i wspierasz lokalną społeczność
Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś miłośnikiem historii, kultury, gastronomii, ochrony środowiska, natury, przygody czy fotografii, wycieczki są zaprojektowane tak, aby zaspokoić Twoją ciekawość
National Geographic Partners, LLC. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS i Yellow Border Design to znaki towarowe Towarzystwa National Geographic używane na mocy licencji
Get a fresh perspective on the latest events in Cyprus on this National Geographic Day Tour led by two journalists, one Greek-Cypriot and one Turkish-Cypriot, who will give you rare, behind-the-scenes insights.
Start by exploring the restored village of Moutallos. Immerse yourself in its stories as you meander through the narrow alleys and witness the transformation of the area, with rehabilitated buildings that bear remnants of Turkish names, symbolizing respect for the other community.
Pause for a photo stop at the historic Agia Sophia mosque, formerly a Christian church. The tour then leads you to Ibrahim's Khan, a refurbished Ottoman inn. It now houses craft units and a theater. The main entrance showcases exquisite creations of embroidery, jointly made by women from both communities, illustrating their desire for cooperation and reunification.
In the courtyard of the Khan, engage in an interactive debate directed by your two journalist guides —one Greek-Cypriot and one Turkish-Cypriot. Together, you'll explore Cyprus' recent past, investigating the causes behind the enduring division and contemplating potential paths toward unity.
See the contrast between old and new as you embrace the mix of vendors and workshops in the Khan's surroundings. Then, admire the renovated Ottoman Baths, part of a heritage preservation project. Conclude by savoring the simple yet true flavors that are offered in family homes, accompanied by a cup of Cypriot, Turkish, or Greek coffee, served in the oldest coffee establishment in Paphos.