Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper guided tour with local expert guide
Attractions & guided tours

Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper guided tour with local expert guide

Free cancellation
Language: English
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: Flexible
Why you’ll love this…
  • You'll be able to admire Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, one of the most famous paintings in the world
  • It's a great opportunity to learn the story of this da Vinci masterpiece
  • The inside track on the wonders and mysteries hidden behind this work of art
  • You'll enjoy guaranteed entry into the attraction
  • Your tour is led by an expert local guide with an unrivalled knowledge of da Vinci’s Last Supper
What to expect

Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper is an artistic treasure that skillfully captures a range of human emotion. Such an important painting deserves not just a regular visit but one where you can see and learn about it in full detail and without hassle. This exclusive guided tour, led by an expert local guide, will help you do exactly that — discover all there is to know about da Vinci's celebrated masterpiece.

Da Vinci’s prized painting reveals the reactions of the 12 disciples as they learn that one of them would betray Jesus. From surprise to anger to disbelief, their evoked feelings are cleverly conveyed through this masterful depiction of the well-known scene. Valentina, one of our expert local guides, says ‘Each expression, gesture, and posture has a deeper meaning that you can only fully distinguish by gazing upon it with your very own eyes.’

Meet your knowledgeable guide in Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie before entering to behold one of the most admired paintings on the planet, created by one of the greatest geniuses that ever existed. Inside, your guide will help you unravel all the mysteries behind this famous composition. ‘It’s truly a dream come true to spend a day in the presence of a masterpiece like the Last Supper,’ Valentina says. She continues ‘As it’s slowly deteriorating, The Last Supper might not be around forever. So, it’d be a good idea to not wait until it’s too late to visit this exemplary work of art.’

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What's included
  • check Exclusive English or Italian-speaking Musement guide
  • check Entrance to Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper

Piazza di Santa Maria delle Grazie, 20123 Milano, MI, Italy

Meeting point:
Please do not go directly to the Last Supper ticket office. Meet your guide in front of the entrance to Santa Maria delle Grazie at least 15 minutes before the starting time of the tour.
What to remember
  • The venue requires us to provide the name and surname of each visitor; this information is mandatory for purchasing the ticket and for entering the Last Supper. If this requirement isn't met, it will not be possible to enter the venue
  • The name given at the time of booking must correspond to the name on the participant's passport or identity card. Tickets are nominal and cannot be changed once the booking is completed. Each participant must bring with him/her an identity document
  • Due to the rules imposed by the supervisor of cultural artifacts for the city of Milan, your visit to the Last Supper cannot exceed 15 minutes
  • No liquids, including water bottles, are allowed inside the site
  • Large bags/backpacks/suitcases are not permitted inside the Last Supper (only very small bags are allowed). There are no cloakrooms for storing these items but there are free lockers available for small items and bottles
  • Photos are not allowed
  • The tour is run in groups of 29 or 34 people
  • Bookings may be subject to availability, so you may be contacted to reschedule the tour in case the date and time slot selected are not available
  • Please note there are no reduced fares or free tickets for this tour. Every participant needs to get the Standard Price ticket to join the tour
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Musement - Cenacolo Vinciano
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 48 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience


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