Discover unique cultural and historical facts in New Orleans City Parks while solving clues to a tale as imaginative as the city itself.
Stroll under the live oaks in one of the United States’ largest urban parks. Learn about City Park’s past and present, from its plantation days to its current draw as a mecca for locals. Discover unique cultural and historical facts while solving clues to a tale as imaginative as the city itself.
You are a tourist in New Orleans, looking to escape the bustle of the city. You rode the streetcar to City Park, wanting to see for yourself the park’s ancient oaks and hidden gems.
In the shade of crepe myrtles, you walk along Lelong Drive toward the New Orleans Museum of Art. You notice things are a little overgrown. Vines are overtaking trees. The grass is nearly up to your waist. To your right, the Big Lake is overflowing its banks. This can’t be natural, you say to yourself. Something is wrong.