On this tour you'll explore three fascinating locations: Uxmal, Kabah, and Cenote Xbatun.
Uxmal is a prominent archaeological site in the Mayan region. Its grand urban design, striking architecture, artistic embellishments, and undeniable historical significance have earned it the status of a World Heritage Site.
Next on your itinerary is the Kabah Archaeological Zone, known as the domain of the strong or powerful hand. This site is renowned for its awe-inspiring architecture, particularly the Codz Pop temple. The façade of this temple is adorned with hundreds of masks of the god Chaac, representing some of the finest examples of Mayan art. Kabah's importance is highlighted in the Chilam Balam of Chumayel book.
Your journey continues at Cenote Xbatun, It is an open cenote, which is reached through a natural slope of approximately 20 meters. The vegetation provides shelter to several species of birds such as the thó, yuya, xtacay and doves among others. This cenote has a special scenic view due to the tree roots that hang over the entrance of the cave.